Category: Webostock

  • Spring Loaders with Rebound and Canvas

    A tutorial on how to create a loading spinner made with inscribed polygons and animated with Rebound spring motion. Tags: HTML5 canvas Read More Demo Download The post Spring Loaders with Rebound and Canvas appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Balloon.css : CSS Tooltips

    Balloon.css lets you add tooltips to elements without JavaScript and in just a few lines of CSS. Tags: Tooltip Read More Demo Download The post Balloon.css : CSS Tooltips appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Tone.js : JavaScript Web Audio framework

    Tone.js is a Web Audio framework for creating interactive music in the browser. The architecture of Tone.js aims to be familiar to both musicians and audio programmers looking to create web-based audio applications. On the high-level, Tone offers common DAW (digital audio workstation) features like a global transport for scheduling and timing events and prebuilt…

  • Web Data Extractor with jQuery & JSON

    Extracting and parsing structured data with jQuery Selector, XPath or JsonPath from common web format like HTML, XML and JSON. Read More Demo Download The post Web Data Extractor with jQuery & JSON appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Combodate : Dropdown Date and Time picker

    Dropdown date and time picker.This plugin converts into dropdown elements to pick day, month, year, hour, minutes and date, time, datetime12h / 24h formatbased on momentjsi18n Tags: DateTime Picker Read More Demo Download The post Combodate : Dropdown Date and Time picker appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Philter : A JS plugin for CSS Filters

    Philter is an open source JavaScript plugin that allows you to control CSS filters through HTML attributes counting on hover event triggered effects. Tags: Image Hover Effect Read More Demo Download The post Philter : A JS plugin for CSS Filters appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Man working with the laptop

    Man working with the laptop The post Man working with the laptop appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Hard Work with a Book

    Hard Work with a Book The post Hard Work with a Book appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Entrepreneur Working on his Macbook

    Entrepreneur Working on his Macbook The post Entrepreneur Working on his Macbook appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Working on MacBook and iPhone in a Bed

    Working on MacBook and iPhone in a Bed The post Working on MacBook and iPhone in a Bed appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace