Buddypress Groups Password (Add-ons)

This plugin is made for a specific feature of BuddyPress called Groups. Installing this plugin gives the GROUP admins the ability to set/unset a password for their respective groups given that their groups are private. Non-members can then use the password to join the group by going to the group page – the password will be asked only once at the time of joining. Other BuddyPress options for joining the group (Example: by invitation or by request) will still be available.

About BuddyPress: BuddyPress is a powerful community plugin for WordPress. It includes all of the features you’ve come to expect from any online community, like user profiles, activity streams, notifications, GROUPS and more.

Please note that the password will only work with the private groups, public and hidden groups will have no effect of password.

This is a wordpress plugin and it also depends on Buddypress plugin, to use this plugin you must install buddypress and enable buddypress groups.

Plugin installation guide is included in the documentation provided with the purchase of this plugin.

Other installation guides. WordPress Installation Guide: https://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress Buddypress Installation Guide: https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/setting-up-a-new-installation/

To see the demo please click here

Username: demo

password: demo

Demo Group Password: test123

Demo Group URL: http://www.avaib.com/demo/wordpress/bbgp/groups/mygroup/

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