Custom Styles and Scripts (Utilities)

This WordPress Plugin lets you to add custom css and javascript code for each page, post and custom post type separately. That code will run only on that page/post which optimize the site.

Another cool feature is that you can add general styles and scripts for whole site, only homepage or on all custom post types.


  • CSS Code Box for Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types
  • JavaScript Code Box for Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types
  • General Styles and Scripts
  • Conditional Styles and Scripts
  • Specific Styles/Scripts for Home Page
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Automatic Indent and Outdent
  • Highlight Matching Parentheses
  • Drag and Drop Text using the Mouse
  • Line Wrapping
  • Multiple Cursors and Selections
  • Live Syntax Checker
  • Line Wrapping

General Styles/Scripts

CSS and JavaScript Box for Post Types

CodeCanyon new WordPress items


