Essential Shop Bundle for WooCommerce
All the tools you need for your WooCommerce based web shop in one bundle at an unbeatable price! Get your online store ready for 2016!
Due to the changes taking place on the Envato market, all of the WooCommerce plugins developed by (CodeCanyon user dzeriho) are being rounded up into an all-in-one Essential Bundle no web shop can do without. Also, the price reduction, considering how much buying each plugin separately would cost you, makes this an offer you can’t miss out on. Hurry and get these awesome tools that will launch your WooCommerce based web shop to new heights while they are still available for purchase through CodeCanyon at an amazing, unbeatable price! This Essential Shop Bundle for WooCommerce will be available until January 1st 2016.
WooCommerce Product Filter
The best WooCommerce filter plugin on the web. Add amazing filtering functionality to your shop. Use it on Product Archive pages, custom pages via the shortcode or place it in your Widget areas using the Widget version!
Plugin Link: WooCommerce Product Filter @
Plugin Demo: WooCommerce Product Filter – Preview
WooCommerce Products Filter is an awesome WordPress, WooCommerce plugin which extends your store by adding advanced filters that your customers will love! This plugin is compatible with every WordPress template. The filter will be automatically shown on your shop and your product archives pages. The WooCommerce Product Filter works with WooCommerce attributes and fully supports variable products. WooCommerce Product Filter works with your product variations and displays the featured images for current active filters. In stock and out of stock for variable products is also supported. Custom taxonomies are also supported, making it possible to use it with Brands plugins and more. AJAX load is available both on Product Archive pages as well as in the shortcode and Widget versions. The WooCommerce Product Filter plugin includes the Adoptive Filtering feature that narrows down the filtering options to the currently filtered terms making it more specific and user friendly for your shop visitors. Filter presets and filter overrides are also available, making it possible to display different filtering options for each of your Product Archive pages, as well as on custom pages with the shortcode. Range Filters for your Price and Attributes are also available in four different styles. Many different plugin layouts are also included, sure to be usable with any type of website you are creating.
WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager
Create and edit products directly from your Shop pages, without ever having to access the backend. Supports all product types and vendors!
Plugin Link: WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager @
Plugin Demo: WooCommerce WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager – Preview
The ultimate tool for managing WooCommerce shops, right at the frontend, featuring live product editing! It has never been this easy to manage a professional online store! WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager integrates itself all over your shops frontend and adds the live editing product functionality. It supports product archives, single products, and even the shortcodes! All WordPress templates are supported by default. This tool will improve your shop, and will save you a lot of time spent on managing your products. Now you can easily edit your products from your shops frontend thanks to the WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager plugin. Change prices, manage stock, even add taxonomy terms, categories and attributes or just add some new images to the product gallery. The WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager supports Vendor pluigins like Ignite WooCommerce Vendor Stores, WooThemes Product Vendors, WC Vendors and similar plugins. Store vendors will only be able to edit their products. Create vendor restrictions for preventing vendors from editing certain options. Vendor groups are also available making it easy to add restrictions to only specific groups of vendors. You can create Simple, Variable, Downloadable, Grouped or External/Affiliate Products and you can also clone or delete products. The options available for live editing are: product shipping, product taxes, extra options, managing variations (creating, deleting), product content and description, product name, product slug, product featured image, product gallery, prices, sale prices, schedule sales, stock management, product grouping, product categories, tags, categories, tags new term creation, product attributes, new attribute and new attribute term creation, variable products, variable attributes, variable featured images, variable prices, sale prices, variable schedule sale, variable stock management, external/affiliate product links and more!
Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce
Present your Product Attributes in a unique way using Images, HTML, Colour or Text!
Plugin Link: Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce @
Plugin Demo: Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce – Preview
Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce is a plugin that extends the default variable product attributes. Improve your customer product selection, set up your shop attribute styles and never show the Out of stock option. Get product attributes directly in your shortcodes, shop page or the product archives. AJAX add to cart support for variable products within the product archives. This feature is also supported for the shortcodes, shop and the product archives in your WooCommerce store. Unlimited customization for your attributes is available! 3 Plain Text styles including border, background and round, Thumbnails as attribute terms, Colors as attribute terms and even custom HTML for each attribute. Reorder your shop attributes on the single page. Use the drag and drop customization manager to customize your attributes. Combine attributes and show in stock and out of stock variable products. Never shot the nasty Out of stock option. Force users to always get the Add to cart button and therefore improve your shop performance.
Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce
Replace the dull WooCommerce Sale Badge with the awesome Badges that are included with the plugin or create your own!
Plugin Link: Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce @
Plugin Demo: Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce – Preview
Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce is a plugin that will transform your sale badges into something that your customers can relate to. Change the style according to your current collection, season or holiday. After a quick configuration, your shop will automatically show your new badges with the discounts in many designs. Show discounts in percentage or money saved, use custom presets and colours. Using this plugin you can change your badges on the fly! This is a very important asset to your WooCommerce store. Use the badges that your competition uses, like discounts in percent or the mount of money saved. You can also set different badges for different products! Set a different colour or change the whole appearance of the sale badge. 13 Presets are included +2 Bonus Christmas presets! More presets will be added as the plugin is updated.
Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce
Are you selling products with different warranty options and want to let your customers request returns? No problem, we got you covered. Create warranty forms, presets and more with this one of a kind plugin.
Plugin Link: Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce @
Plugin Demo: Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce – Preview
The ultimate warranties and returns management system for WooCommerce packed into this great and easy to use plugin. Easiest manager available. Manage requests in just a few clicks. Get requests from your customers and create custom request forms. Create paid warranties, as well as included ones. Unlimited possibilities are at your disposal. Also create preset warranties for easier management. You can use thumbnails and warranty descriptions for an enhanced user experience. You can enable multiple warranty requests for your items. Once the previous warranty is complete the next one can be requested. Guest orders can also have their warranty requests. Guests will use order ids and their email for verification purposes in order to make a request. You can quickly send emails to request customers. BCC and Email templates are available with the plugin. You can manage multi item order requests in one single parent request. Create your own request forms using the Warranties and Returns Woocommerce plugin with drag and drop editing! Variable products are also fully supported.
Share, Print and PDF for WooCommerce
Get even more customers by sharing your products on 5 of the most popular social media networks and amaze your visitors with the option to print or download your product pages as PDF files directly from your shop!
Plugin Link: Share, Print and PDF for WooCommerce @
Plugin Demo: Share, Print and PDF for WooCommerce – Preview
We still need the plain old paper! Make you products printable and downloadable in PDF format. Your shoppers will love the new features. Plus share WooCommerce Products in 5 social networks. Get new features on your shop! Share, Print and PDF Products for WooCommerce increases your product shares therefore it will certainly increase your sales! Your products will be downloaded in PDF format and shared and also printed out in a clean design that your customers will love! Allow your shoppers to download PDFs of your products in a clean design for PDF readers or print them out in a printer friendly layout, all right from your website. They can also share your products on 5 social media networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn! Easiest hardcoded share links, no authentication of any kind needed! The plugin includes 3 awesome styles with Sharp SVG graphics and good old Material Design that fits any WordPress template! An area for your logo which will be placed in the header of the printed and PDF version, as well as custom areas for text inserts are available. A quickview before printing or PDF download is also available.
More on Essential Shop Bundle for WooCommerce
All of the plugins were created with WooCommerce best practices in mind and will work with ANY template. All plugins are compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce! They are also fully translatable and come with language files included. The purchase will include updates that will include bug fixes, existing feature improvements and new functionalities, while customer support will not be provided. Please not, this limited offer will be removed before January 1st 2016!
This bundle includes the following plugins:
WooCommerce Product Filter
Plugin Link: WooCommerce Product Filter @
Frontend Shop Manager for WooCommerce
Plugin Link: WooCommerce Frontend Shop Manager @
Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce
Plugin Link: Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce @
Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce
Plugin Link: Improved Sale Badges for WooCommerce @
Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce
Plugin Link: Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce @
Share, Print and PDF Products for WooCommerce
Plugin Link: Share, Print and PDF for WooCommerce @