Grammar Test (Interface Elements)

Create grammar tests in any language, prepare exercises and examinations, collect and export the results of your students and more, with the first WordPress plugin specifically created for grammar bloggers and teachers.

Create Grammar Tests

With the Tests menu you will be able to create the grammar tests, each test supports a maximum number of 100 sentences and in each sentence you are allowed to include an unlimited number of “Missing Words” and “Multiple Selections” elements.

Public Test, Free Practice, Practice and Examination

The grammar tests created by this plugin can have different purposes and you are free to decide the test type during its creation process.

Public Test

Public Tests are available for any visitor of the website and are suitable for example to engage the readers of grammar blogs.

Free Practice

The Free Practice mode restricts the access to the test only to the registered students, it’s perfect for teachers who want to help their students with custom grammar tests.


The Practice mode is similar to the Free Practice mode, but in this case each test submission is recorded and the related results are calculated and made available to the teacher in the form of statistics available through the plugin back-end and through downloadable CSV data.


The Examination mode allows the teacher to create real examinations, which are tests available only for the registered students, on which the submission is allowed a single time per student.

The result of each examination is recorded ( and integrated with details like the student name, the submission date, the number of correct answers for each section and the overall score ) so that the teacher will be able to evaluate the performance of each student.

Suitable to be used with any language

All the Unicode Characters are supported, thus the grammar tests can be created in any language, for example in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, etc.

Please note that this plugin doesn’t support RTL layouts and it’s not recommended to use it with the RTL versions of languages such Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu and Syriac.

Customize Everything

The options menu allows you to set your custom colors, to select your favorite typefaces, to customize the dimensions of the various elements of the test, to customize the animations performed when the tests are submitted and much more, so you can create a consistent look that fits perfectly on the layout of your website.

100% Responsive

The grammar tests generated by this plugin are made to be used with any WordPress theme, fixed and responsive and with any device, standard desktop devices, tablets, phones and ultra HD screens.

Uses Ajax techniques

The data submitted by your visitors or by your students are analyzed in real time using Ajax techniques, with the following benefits:

  • Your visitors or students can get the results without refreshing the page, this behavior improves the user experience and you save server resources
  • Multiple grammar tests can be spread in a single post and individually submitted
  • The results are provided in less than one second ( the actual time depends on your server performance )

The Student Role

The “Student” is a special WordPress role created by the Grammar Test plugin with two capabilities, a custom capability used only by this plugin which allows to submit tests of type “Free Practice”, “Practice” and “Examination” ( namely “dagt_perform_practice_and_examination” ), and a default capability which allows the user to visit the back-end of the website ( namely “read” ).

Don’t worry about the security of your WordPress environment, the users logged in as a “Student” have no other capabilities other that the two mentioned above. For more information about the WordPress roles and capabilities check out Roles and Capabilities.

Multisite Ready

This plugin can also be used on a WordPress Network, and supports both a Network Activation ( the plugin will be activated on all the sites of your WordPress Network in a single step ) and a Single Site Activation ( your plugin will be manually activated on single sites of the network ).

Multilanguage Ready

Grammar Test comes by default in English and Italian, if you want to translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.

Please note that these two localizations refer only to the languages available in the plugin back-end, you are obviously allowed for example to create grammar tests in Spanish or Portuguese even if you are using the English localization of the plugin.


This plugin make use of the following resources:

Do you care about your website’s SEO?

Improve your internal links structure and get more visits on your WordPress website with the Interlinks Manager plugin.

Interlinks Manager plugin for WordPress
CodeCanyon new WordPress items


