Inkluder (Utilities)

Reusable pages. Include any page in another.

  • Shortcode included
  • Visual Composer Element included
  • Perfect for sub-menus, great for contact info, etc.

How to use:

  1. Create Inkluder page (or regular WordPress page)
  2. Insert VC element “Inkluder”, choose page to include.
  3. Don’t create loops (include the same page in the same page) as this will crash the page


If you don’t have Visual Composer installed you can still use Inkluder with a shortcode:

[ba_inkluder type="inkluder|page" inkluder_id="0000" page_id="0000"]

type – inkluder|page – Post type to include: inkluder or page
inkluder_id – The ID of Inkluder page (only if type = inkluder)
page_id – The ID of page (only if type = page)

So, if you want to include Inkluder page 312, enter:

[ba_inkluder type="inkluder" inkluder_id="312"]

And if you want to include regular WordPress page 121, enter:

[ba_inkluder type="page" page_id="121"]

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