JP Students Result Management System is a plugin which powered by WordPress.Basically, It has developed for managing students result in online.So, this plugin is suitable for educational site, such as school, college, university etc.
- Subject wise result adding facility.
- Certificate adding facility.
- Unlimited subject, class, year, group and section.
- Result adding facility from CSV file.
- Advanced result search form.
- Responsive and customizable custom page template.
- Result print facility.
- Certificate view and download facility.
- Translation support.
- Shortcode system.
- Setting panel and many more.
By default it has 10 subject group with 80 subjects.But you can create unlimited subject, class, year, group and section.Adding, publishing and editing a result is very easy task.It has class, year, group and section wise result filtering system in all result listed page.So that,you will find specific class’s result very easily and can publish or draft them in one click.
This plugin offers a shortcode for adding ajax powered advanced result search form in page or post.It also offer a nice looking custom page template which is responsive.You can print result from there.
You can use any CSV import plugin to import multiple result at a time.There are many free plugin in can do this job.
You can translate this plugin in your own language.We’ve included translateable file.
This plugin’s has a settings panel for necessary settings.From there you can change default subject and subject group name.Can customize custom page template and many more.
So,I think it will be your perfect choice for next educational project.