If you want your users, members and admins login to your site with professionally looking fully customizable and responsive modal pop-up with login form accessible from any part of your page and skip all those standard wordpress pages (like wp-login) this plugin is for you. Custom Login will make you site look more modern and professional. Make your site stand out with this custom login.
MasterModalLogin is a lightweight Modal Login Pop-Up plugin. Of course there’s some other alternatives like custom login page but it doesn’t look that great as a pop-up that you can customize yourself anytime. Besides customizable templates there’s number of other advantages of using Modal Pop-Up for Login purpose (see features)
MasterModalLogin plugin can be used on any WordPress site and compatible with (but not required) WooCommerce, BuddyPress and Bbpress.
Fully mobile responsive MasterModalLogin is not limited to this particular look, PopUp template can be easily modified or new templates added. MasterModalLogin comes with possibility to create and import unlimited number of different templates for your login PopUp form with different number of columns and elements like images, lists, videos, custom forms, etc.
MasterModalLogin is all-in-one solution to all your login customization, you will never need any other! You can add to your modal login videos, lists, custom forms with ease! MasterModalLogin also works with Facebook, Google to provide Social Connect and it’s also synchronized with MailChimp auto-responder.
MasterModalLogin can be triggered by custom button or menu item anywhere on your site, it could be a single page or header, footer, etc..
See Full List of Features:
List of Features :
MUnlimited Back-End Editable Templates Mobile ready, 100% responsive Trigger by Button or Menu Social Login integration (FaceBook & Goole) Brute-Force SignIn/SignUp Protection Single Form to Login and Register Custom eMail Message with Password Custom and 3rd party shortcodes supported Visual Composer supported Video on PopUp Supported Any Language Ready