Newsfeed (WordPress)


  • Multiple Image Drag and Drop Image Uploading
  • Multiple Image Status Post
  • Notifications on the Fly
  • Ajax filtering, sorting, grouping of buddypress friends, buddypress groups, -buddypress updates, buddypress posts
  • Ability to comment on BuddyPress Statuses
  • Ability to see post featured images in buddypress feed
  • Ability to customize sidebars and notification links
  • Seamless integration with BuddyPress and WordPress
  • Seamless integration with BuddyPress Social Network plugin by vBSocial*Seamless integration with BuddyPress Messaging System
  • Seamless integration with Facebook Connect and posting
  • Seamless integration with mentions, friend requests, and much more BuddyPress
  • Adaptable to your theme
  • Lots of easy options to configure

Easy Installation

  • BuddyPress is required. After that, install like any plugin

Great Support

  • Get the best support over at Forums!
  • Updates Forever – Lifetime
  • Professional Premium Support Team

CodeCanyon new WordPress items





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