Product Options for WooCommerce – WP Plugin (WooCommerce)

Product Options for WooCommerce – WC Plugin

Add image, text, numeric, dropdown and options to WooCommerce Products.


  • Add options to products
  • Add prices to options
  • Easy to Use
  • Drag & Drop
  • Use without prices
  • Show/hide priices
  • Lots of Option Types:
    • Image Options
    • Radio Options
    • Text
    • Text Area
    • Number Slider
    • Number with Buttons
    • Number as Text
    • Dropdowns


Product Options for WooCommerce is an easy-to-use plugin for adding options to products.

Product Options for WooCommercce uses drag-and-drop to create checkbox, numeric, dropdowns, radio buttons and image options to your products.

You can use the options with or without option prices. If you add prices to your options, then you can choose whether or not to display the prices.

CodeCanyon new WordPress items





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