Super Forms (Forms)


Super Forms is the one and only plugin that you will ever need for your contact forms. This WordPress Plugin is very user friendly when it comes to building forms. With unlimited options you will be able to create any kind of forms. With conditional logic, Multipart elements and tons of customizable options and settings to adjust any color of any element to fit your needs. No matter what theme you have installed Super Forms will fit with it’s color scheme functionality.

Send confirmation emails, save contact entries with it’s data. And much more functionality!

Settings & Options:

Conditional logic

Every element can have one or more conditional logics. This way you can create advanced and complex forms if you need to do so. The following options can be set for your element when it comes to conditions:

  • Show or Hide (Disabled/Show/Hide)
  • When to Trigger (When all conditions matched/When one condition matched)

Possible conditions you could use are:
?? Contains
== Equal
!= Not Equal
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Great than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to

Live preview mobile/tablet/desktop

To quickly check what your form looks like on the front-end you can easily click the preview button. There you can also choose to preview the mobile or tablet preview.

Settings & Options:

Email Headers

  • Send mail to (To:)
  • Send mail from (From:)
  • Email subject (custom subject for admin email)
  • Email content type (HTML/Plain text)
  • CC email to (Cc:)
  • BCC email to (Bcc:)
  • Additional Headers

Email Settings

  • Send Admin Email (Yes/No)
  • Email Body Open (custom message)
  • Email Body (custom message)
  • Email Body Close (custom message)
  • Email Loop (the way fields/submitted data is looped)
  • Confirmation Email (Yes/No)
  • Confirmation To (an email address) you can also use tags e.g. {field_email}
  • Confirmation From (an email address) you can also use tags e.g. {option_admin_email}
  • Confirmation Subject (custom subject for confirmation emails)
  • Confirm Body Open (custom message for confirmation email)
  • Confirm Body (custom message for confirmation email)
  • Confirm Body Close (custom message for confirmation email)

Email Template

  • Select email template (extra email templates can be created and hooked into the plugin, we will be developing email template also)

Form Settings

  • Save data (Yes/No) contact entry will be saved to the database
  • Form action (custom actions can be added by developers through hooks)
  • Error FadeIn Duration (duration in milliseconds for errors to fade)
  • Thanks Title (a custom title message to the user after succesfully submitting a form)
  • Thanks Description (a custom description message to the user after succesfully submitting a form)
  • Preloader (Yes/No) use a fancy preloader while the form is being loaded/generated
  • Form redirect option (Custom URL/Existing Page) redirects the user after submitting the form
  • reCAPTCHA key (google spam protection)
  • reCAPTCHA secret (google spam protection)

Theme & Colors

  • Theme style (Default Squared/Default Rounded/Fully Rounded/Minimal)
  • Form Maximum Width (You can set a maximum width for a form, 0 means no maximum)
  • Label & Description colors
  • Field Colors
  • Icon Colors
  • Rating Colors (used for the Star Ratings field element)
  • Progress Bar Colors (used for multipart forms / step by step form)
  • Progress Step Colors (used for multipart forms / step by step form)
  • Progress Step Colors Active (used for multipart forms / step by step form)
  • Error Colors (font color for errors)

Submit Button

  • Button name
  • Button Colors
  • Button radius (Square/Rounded/Full Rounded)
  • Button type (3D/2D/Flat/Outline/Diagonal)
  • Button size (Mini/Tiny/Small/Medium/Large/Big/Huge/Massive)
  • Button position (Align left/Align center/Align right)
  • Button width (Auto/Fullwidth)
  • Button icon position (No icon/Left icon/Right icon)
  • Button icon visibility (Always visible/Visible on mouseover)
  • Button icon animation (Horizontal/Vertical)
  • Button icon (choose any FontAwesome icon you want)


December 9, 2015 – Version 1.0.0

- Initial release!

CodeCanyon new WordPress items



