Tags & Categories Sortable Filter Addon
The Tags & Categories Addon of the Sortable plugin gives you an option to show a filter of your tags, categories and custom taxonomies.
The plugin is using the default Sortable system of loading posts via Ajax. Every time you select a tag or category, the default ajax call will get the posts that have that tag or category.
The script supports multiple selections of categories, so that all posts from the categories selected are queried. There is an automatic script that gets all custom taxonomies of the selected post type. For example if you select the “post” type it will get categories, tags and post formats, but for products it may be product categories, sizes, packages etc. There is no need to make any custom adjustments – all filters are automatically retrieved.
This plugin is 100% responsive and supports different colors just like the Sortable plugin.
Note: This plugin only works if you have the Sortable plugin already installed.
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Change log
- 1/10/2016
Initial upload on CodeCanyon