Tungo Easy Magento plugin (Miscellaneous)

This plugin will allow you to display magento products on wordpress pages and posts.

Increase your magento seo positions by creating landingspages for your products in wordpress. Simply add a shortcode to any post or page to display magento product information.

In wordpress u can use the following shortcode to display information of any product in your magento envirement.

     [product id="400"]         <div class="product">         <h3>{Tungo Easy Magento plugin (Miscellaneous)}</h3>         <img src="{{image}}" alt="{Tungo Easy Magento plugin (Miscellaneous)}" width="300" />          {{content}}         <div class="price-box"><strong>€{{price}}</strong></div>         <a class="btn" href="/{http://codecanyon.net/item/tungo-easy-magento-plugin/8176882}">Meer informatie</a>          </div>     [/product] 

wordpress example url: http://easymagento.tungomedia.nl/wordpress/
The product in magento: http://easymagento.tungomedia.nl/compact-mp3-player.html
CodeCanyon new WordPress items





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