WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees
If you’re looking for solution with reasonable price for your WooCommerce fees problems, WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees is your best candidate.
With WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees, you can take advanced fees in real usage case. Even you want charge user for payment fees, base on Payment Gateway method, or you need to charge the customer the fees for shipping out of your delivery state. WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees can do it all.
With this plugin, you will easily manage the fees with highly organizing fees, which you can see the status of fees, quick edit or name it, they’re all up to you.
With 11 conditions and 4 operators, you can make up to 44 condition logics to calculate fees. The following update will event more condition. Coming soon. We also let you add your private condition, easily. In version 1.1.
For more detail, we will show you some real usage case with “greater than” operator, that you can apply to your logic
Conditions & Real Usage Case
- Cart total: If cart total greater than $ 50, charge customer $ 5. Or If can total greater than $ 100, discount $ 10 (by input -10%)
- Total weight of items in cart: If cart has 5kg of lemonade, -10% of the order.
- Total item in cart: If customer buys more than 10 product at once (that mean 10 separate product), give them a discount by -10% in fee amount.
- Payment Method: This is useful as sometime payment gateway take fees base on order total or fixed fees. You can charge customer those fees by making conditional: If payment method equal to Paypal Express, charge customer $ 5.
- Specific product: This is more helpful if you have the promotion to red products only on Valentines, you can select specific products with dropdown and discount to the customer by -$ 15.
- Coupon: If you want to charge customer amount of fees if they applied the coupon, this will help you.
- Specific country: If your government charge you tax from foreigners, you can add fees for international (except your base country) buyers.
- Specific User Role: If you’re running a campaign for your loyal customers, you can create a list of a loyal customer to separate user role, then discount to only “loyal-customer” user role, easy right?
- Zipcode: If you want to discount, and delivery happiness as Tony from Zappos made to their loyal customer, you can use this plugin for the customer around your states, with specific state, you can discount something for them, and deliver happiness
- City: Working as the same as above.
Coming soon condition: variations from products, products tags, products category, cart subtotal, Coming soon feature: “or” logical, select when fees take effects.