Woocommerce Better Reports Locations (WooCommerce)

Geo analytics for your shop

Check the video!

Take it out for a drive. Check out the demo site.

Map your shop sales by country – state – city. Compare two date ranges and see the percentage in variation. See the top sellers by location. Bundled with 25+ maps to visualize your sales. Accompanied by graphs and an orders report by location.

Great Features

  • Drill down by sales location down to city level
  • See gross sales, net sales, items purchased, number of orders, refunds and more
  • Compare with another date range.
  • See the top sellers by location.
  • Bundled with 25+ maps (see here for complete list)

Great Support

Visit the support docs, it will guide you from the start up till you are up and running, or send us a message. We are here to help you!

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