WooCommerce Cart Email and Social Share (WooCommerce)

WooCommerce Cart Email and Social Share allows site admin and customer to create woocommerce cart and send it to any single or multiple email address. This plugin also have feature of share cart on social network in one click.

The extension also have a option to enable/disable front end cart share. Extension allows customer to share their cart with friends on social network.

Plugin also provide a edit email text feature. Plugin is fully customization and easily understandable. The functionality code of extension is 100% Open Source.


1. Easy installation and detailed documentation

2. Plugin allows admin user to create a Cart from admin panel

3. Plugin allows admin to share cart on multiple emails

4. Plugin also have a feature to share cart on Social Network

5. Front end users or Guest users have option to share cart

6. Cart Link share option available on both ends

7. Admin Can Share cart on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, gplus, stumbleupon

8. ONE CLICK SOCIAL Share for admin and Users

9. Fully responsive and 100% customizable

Version 1.0 – 22-09-2015

CodeCanyon new WordPress items


