WooCommerce – Cart reminder for returning visitors – Welcome Back Buyer (WooCommerce)


When a buyer or customer comes back to your store… .. the customer will never forget his cart of his last visit. The cart is full of wonderful stuff and he will checkout as soon as possible. Otherwise, he can close the dialog and go on with his shopping tour.

After how many hours is the dialog shown? YOU decide after how many hours the dialog will be visible for your buyers and customers. The settings allow you to set a time limit seperat for logged in users and guests.

Select a predefined style or customize your dialog Get inspired in a set of a few predefined styles. You can customize all options. This includes texts, colors and the look and feel.

Works with all Themes

Bought a theme on themeforest? No problem! The dialog is normalized and will look great on your website. The dialog takes your main font family.


  • Compatible with WordPress 4.0+ and WooCommerce 2.4+
  • Gives a friendly hello back to your customers and guests
  • Never loose a lost or abandoned cart
  • Customize the dialog texts
  • Customize the complete view (grid or list view)
  • Customize the complete look and feel with all the styles
  • The view and styles can be set for three different devices: Desktop, Tablet and smartphone
  • Responsive: Looks great on smartphones
  • Define the expire time limit when the cart will be deleted
  • Live preview
  • The plugin comes with a PDF for an instruction for the options
  • Custom CSS


Version 1.0 - initial release 

The plugin uses browser cookies to save the last visit of the visitor.

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