WP Flat Cost Estimation Form Creator (Forms)


Create easily your own flat and responsive cost estimation popup form on your wordpress website .
This can be used to sell any type of service or products: applications, websites, graphics, pets, lunar fragments …. or anything else.

The user gets an accurate estimate of its request. The final estimation will be sent by email.


  • Fully responsive (even if your theme isn’t responsive !)
  • Dedicaced admin module
  • Fully manage Steps and Items
  • Customize colors, texts and currency
  • Items can be checkbox or pictures
  • Items can be grouped, required, selected by default, or have a negative cost
  • Items can be selected by quantities
  • Popup can easily be opened, using css class on link
  • The form can also be used as a template page (full screen)
  • Fast & easy import/export data system (images included !)
  • Reactive support !


  • Upload the plugin on your server
  • On the WP admin page, activate the plugin
  • Configure your settings, steps and items
  • Then, to show it as popup, simply add class=”open-estimation-form” to a link

Show the popup with css class :

 <a href="#" class="open-estimation-form" >Use the cost estimation tool !</a> 

Show the popup with JS :

 <script>     popup_estimation(); </script> 

Or simply apply the Estimation Form template to a page


2014-05-31 :

  • Items can now be selected by quantities ! (try the item “Database” on demo)
  • Option added to settings to skip introduction
  • Plugin name updated
  • Bug with some versions of mySQL fixed
  • Examples data are now included in the package, ready to be imported

2014-05-30 :

  • Fast & easy import/export system for your settings, steps and items (including pictures)
  • Prices can now be negatives
  • Items can be selected by default
  • “Previous step” link
  • Now can be used as page template
  • Colors bug fix


Better than a simple form, this plugin will convert your visitors in customers.\
– dynante

Awesome design based on the principle “less is more”!\
– keyhanjun

Brilliant! Simply brilliant and unique. Have been looking for something like this forever…\
– chrisparksaz

AMAZING! I was about to post a request for this on elance. Saved me the hassle
– naweedshams

– BrandDedication

This is something WOW”
– vexy

Unlimited colors choice

Admin panel

If you like this plugin, remember to vote !


If you need help, contact me from my envato profile

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