WP Interstitial – Interstitial Adverts Plugin (Advertising)

Easily monetize your content with the complete WP Interstitial advertising plugin for wordpress. With very powerful customization features, you will be able to tune and tweak every last setting to get the maximum impact for your advertising.


  • Responsive Design.
  • Filter your adverts by Mobile, Tablet, or Laptop/Desktop PC viewer
  • Timed Events. Set adverts to only run between set dates.
  • Post, Page, Category and Term specific filters.
  • Specify which adverts are displayed on which pages, with full priority based ordering for adverts.
  • Intelligent internal and external content display.
  • Internal URLs are imported without header/footer for easier creation of custom interstitial adverts.
  • Documentation provides a full guide to the css for full customisation
  • Admin interface provides configurable colours and titles for each advert.
  • Each interstitial advert can have multiple adverts listed
  • Load only on external links
  • Load at page load
  • Filter by guest users
  • Filter by logged in users
  • Show only once per visitors options.
  • Detailed documentation guide going through every step of the process, including a how-to on creation of an internal interstitial advert.

Note: This plugin is highly customizable, it is therefore advised that you read the provided documentation prior to using the system.
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