WP IVR is twilio Based WordPress Plugin, it is made as powerful as it is tiny in interface…
Getting Started
Please Provide Sid token of premium account of twilio in settings, this is all you need to know before creating and operating IVR.
- Upload as many recording in sequence as you want
- add as many days as you want
- Attach As many numbers as you want
- Uploading images instead of music, it is prompted music category default by browse popup, but if you chooses to upload a picture or none-music format, then i’ll probably can’t assist you with this.
- Don’t Break The Sequence, if you want to delete a day, like you have three days, and you deleted 2nd day, then you are breaking the sequence, IVR will run like, Call #1 Working, Call#2 Not Working, Call#3 Working..
- Try To alter sequence instead of deleting it, you may need to rebuild sequence once you have break it up
- Unlimited Message
- Unlimited Inputs
- Unlimited Recording
- Day Sequence
- Day Shuffle
Please Feel free to suggest the awesome, as much as you can.. your request will be updated in upcoming versions in 2-10 days, as individual I’d required more plans and suggestion to build something awesome, something that you want. You name it… i made it possible.
Incoming Awesome Features
Version 1.1
1. History / Logs 2. Dashboard overview with graph
Version 1.2
1. Admin Notifications 2. Dial Control to allow someone call your defined number
Version 1.3
1. Back Message Notification To Admin 2. Notification Enable Or Disable Control For Admin
Version 1.4
1. New Look and Feel 2. Subscriber Management
Version 1.5
1. Campaigns For IVR 2. Subscription and BULK Management
Version 1.6 (Major Update)
1. Embed Code And Widget Subscription 2. Live Chat 3. Direct Call From Live Chat 4. Admin Direct Receive Call From Dashboard 5. Conference Call on Browser 6. Call Recording 7. Dial a Call From Dashboard 8. Voice and IVR call Control
Version 1.7
1. Super admin and user limitations and control for Network Install
Version 1.8
1. Credits and Margin Setting For Super Admin 2. User Buy Package.
Version 1.9 (Major Update)
1. Standalone API for Standalone Installs and controls
Version 2.0
User Suggestions and requirements
Please Feel Free to subscribe and share your great ideas, Your ideas meant a lot for us.
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