Tag: Arforms

  • Twilio for Arforms (Forms)

    To send SMS notification to users, Create a form included a Phone Number field and user will be notified immediately after filling out the form. Plugin Features: Automatically send an SMS notification when a form is submitted. Integrate with the ARForms PayPal Add-On to only send an SMS notification after payment has been confirmed. Send…

  • Authorize.net for Arforms (Forms)

    ARForms has new extension which accept payment via Authorize.Net Payment Gateway. ARForms Authorize.Net plugin integrates your form entries and payment in a single process. You can charge customers with Dynamic amount instantly after form submission from ARForms. You need to just create a form with ARForms, Configure it with Authorize.Net and its all done. You…

  • Pdf creator for Arforms (Forms)

    ARForms has new extension which creates PDF of form entries. PDF Creator For ARForms is just another wordpress plugin which you can install and manage just like other wordpress plugins. Plugin Features: Save PDF File on user submission of a ARForms so it can be attached to a notification Multiple PDF Templates View and download…

  • Stripe for Arforms (Forms)

    ARForms has new extension which accept payment via Stripe Payment Gateway. ARForms Stripe plugin integrates your form entries and payment in a single process. You can charge customers with Dynamic amount instantly after form submission from ARForms. You need to just create a form with ARForms, Configure it with Stripe and its all done. You…

  • Paypal for Arforms (Forms)

    Start accepting paypal payments on your wordpress site in 5 minutes! This is very simple solution for users who want to simply start to sell products online quickly OR taking donation/contribution on your site. Seamless integration with ARForms plugin. You can create forms with ARForms plugin, configure it with PayPal and you are done. Users…