Tag: Cafes

  • Oberyn – A Colorful One Page Bar Theme (Restaurants & Cafes)

    Hello, Thank you for viewing Oberyn PSD theme. Your bar or pub’s website never looked that better. Oberyn comes in 3 color schemes, is 1200 pixels wide and is very easy to customize. Credits & Resources used in this template Fonts: Open Sans Courgette Icons: Food and Drinks Icons WPZoom Developer Icon set IcoNano Social…

  • Grill Parallax Restaurant & Events (Restaurants & Cafes)

    Grill is a Restaurant theme designed in the parallax pattern. This theme is perfect for Restaurants, Grills, Cafe’s, Bistro’s, Night Clubs and everyone in the entertainment industry. Restauranteurs and foodies will find that the built in functionality will elevate their establishments and give it the additional online edge that’s so needed in this world. As…