Tag: classifieds

  • JoomAds – Joomla classifieds portal (Business)

    Technical details responsive layout (adapts to any screen size) , bootstrap-based demo copy – quickstart installation file extensions used on demo site included LESS support HTML5 + CSS3 fixed & fluid layout options setting on template configuration examples of 3 template color versions favicon image font size switcher font settings option to disable content/component on…

  • JM-JoomClassifieds – Joomla classifieds portal (Business)

    If you ever wondered what is the best solution to build classifieds portal, we found the answer for your business. JM-Joomclassifieds template supports professional DJ-Classifieds component for Joomla, which allows you to easily and professionally build classifieds section on your website. Whether you need to create real estate, cars, hotel apartments or any other site…