Tag: Customizable
Mona Reaction – Voting system with customizable reactions wordpress plugin (WordPress)
This is a really funny plugin which can help you include Voting system on your wordpress website/blog. Image that your fan can vote on each of blog item with many funny reactions and guess what, you can customize it base on your website content You can have your own reactions or using things just like…
Rogue: Customizable Mobile Theme for WordPress (Mobile)
Rogue: Customizable Mobile Theme for WordPress Thank you for having a look at Rogue, Bonfire’s newest and most versatile mobile theme yet. Designed with smartphone and tablet devices in mind, Rogue can be used on a brand new WordPress installation or set up as a secondary, mobile-only theme on your existing WordPress site. Like Bonfire’s…
Practiqa Responsive & Customizable Opencart Theme (OpenCart)
Practica is a functional responsive Opencart theme. It has a build in configuration panel and many custom features you can use to make your store look exactly how you want. Built on bootstrap it’s clean code allows fast loading and configurable AJAX components. Changelog Added a new megamenu Added brands in category Fixed category page…
QUE – Customizable Portfolio Theme (Portfolio)
Features Fully Responsive Masonry/Metro/Grid layout Live site creation, using the power of WordPress Customize API! Check the demo. You can change typography, colors, paddings and other settings and see the changes immediately! Video intro page Fullscreen portfolio slider page Easy settings backup. You can experiment with your site appearance and return to your previously saved…
2Color – Customizable Landing Page (Landing Pages)
2Color – Customizable Landing Page. Having little experience with {less} you can for a couple of seconds change colors of the page. You will need only change two values “color1” and “color2”. Changing the gamma through CSS also does not take much time. Features Fully Responsive Design 3 different background types MailChimp integrations Working contact…
Awesome Map WP – Fully Customizable Markers Map (Miscellaneous)
What is Awesome Map WP ? Awesome Map is a WordPress Plugin that you can use to display a fully customizable markers map on your website. You can embed it everywhere, in an article, in yours pages or in your sidebars thanks to a really simple shortcode ! Try it ! Try the Drag &…