Tag: Ditty

  • Ditty Facebook Ticker (Social Networking)

    Check out my themes on ThemeForest! Quick Links Ditty Facebook Ticker 1.0.0 This plugin requires Ditty News Ticker to be installed. Create a dynamic display of Facebook posts and Facebook Album images on your site. With a multitude of settings you can create a feed with your personal timelines or a combination of Facebook page…

  • Ditty Mega Ticker (Utilities)

    Quick Links Ditty Mega Ticker 1.0.0 This plugin requires Ditty News Ticker (version 2.0.2 or greater) to be installed. Mega Type Ditty Mega Ticker adds a new Mega ticker type that allows you to display multiple news tickers within a single Ditty News Ticker! You can include any of your tickers that use any ticker…

  • Ditty Flickr Ticker (Galleries)

    Quick Links Ditty Flickr Ticker 1.0.0 This plugin requires Ditty News Ticker to be installed. Ditty Flickr Ticker is a multi-functional image display plugin. Easily add multiple Flickr images to your site either through shortcodes, direct functions, or in a custom Ditty News Ticker Widget. You can add multiple User feeds and/or multiple Photo Sets…