Tag: Ease
Mapwiz – Build your Google Map with Ease (WordPress)
App Feartures: Features of Map Wiz Plugin: Map Styles Features: Customize Styler as per your required need. Ability to customize styler by changing Feature Type and Element Type. Ability to enable/disable Color, Weight, Hue, Saturation, Lightness and Gamma features of styler. Ability to change Color, Weight, Hue, Saturation, Lightness and Gamma features of styler. It…
UniqMag – Ease of Publishing News (Technology)
UniqMag template is suitable for creating a website for news or magazines or personal blogs. UniqMag is carefully coded and designed for easy reading on any size screen or device. Your customer will enjoy viewing your site on tablet or phone! Some homepages combinations are made in live preview demo. Template comes with 8 different…