Tag: Extension
Layers Form Builder Extension (Forms)
We’re really excited to bring you the Layers Form Builder Extension plugin. Quickly and easily build great looking and reliable forms in seconds and them to your site. Our form builder comes with a choice of 6 form elements; Text, Email, Textarea, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Dropdown along with the ability to edit the form element…
Layer – Row Separator Extension (Add-ons)
Layer – Row Separator Extension Layer – Row Separator Extension is special design for layerwp theme is surely make any site with just single click and easy to customize it, so this row separator extension is help you to make more powerfull option to make good single page design and easy to separate section from…
ADS PRO – Ad Templates, Cornerstone Extension (Add-ons)
20+ Ad Templates – Cornerstone Extension This Extension for Cornerstone Page Builder allows you to use 20+ different Ad Templates on your WordPress site. It’s really easy way to display pretty and matched advertising on your site. Are you use Ads Pro manager? You will be able to use Ad Spaces in the fastest way,…
Swift Filter – Cornerstone Extension (Add-ons)
Swift Filter Cornerstone extension helps you to insert Swift Filter shortcodes into your WordPress page, so you will be able to use Swift Filter jQuery plugin in your WordPress projects. Swift Filter is a jQuery plugin, what helps you to make custom search fields which can filter/search in your site content. It is a great…
Apple Tv Image Effect Extension (Add-ons)
Now Compatible With Visual composer Apple Tv Image Effect Extension Apple Tv Image Effect Extension for layer is a jQuery plugin are highly customizable, very easy to implement and use and have 70+ animation effect support to make your site good and This lightweight plug-in will automatically turn your layered Apple TV PNGs into 3D…
osCitas Accordion Extension For Redux Framework (Utilities)
Are you building theme using Redux Framework? Facing issue to manage options of same type? Here is the best Accordion extension to group the options at backend, which will enable you to group many options so that It will take small space Easy to handle Easy to find and understand. You can give description.…
Layers – Surror Magnifier Extension (Add-ons)
Layers – Surror Magnifier Extension Layers – Surror Magnifier Extension to apply magnifier effect for featured image. Magnifier Styles Inner Zoom Inner Zoom Frame Direction at Left Direction at Right Custom Zoom Ranges Start End Animations Fade In Show In Slide In CodeCanyon new WordPress items