Tag: fare
Fare Calculator for Gravity Forms (Forms)
Fare Calculator for Gravity Forms is a very unique and powerful wordpress plugin. This plugin brings the distance and fare calculation functionality to gravity forms. You simply add a single text input and select how you want to use this field for fare calculator, you can either set is as Location From, Location To or…
Stern taxi fare for Woocommerce (Miscellaneous)
Stern taxi fare Fare calculator is an utility plugin to allow taxi companies to give an option to their customer to calculate taxi fare before taking a ride. Customer can pay online thanks to Woocommerce plugin. It is compatible with all woocommerce options. Hence customer can pay via VISA, Paypal, paycheck, cash.. VAT can also be included.…
Stern taxi fare (Miscellaneous)
Fare calculator is an utility plugin to allow taxi companies to give an option to their customer to calculate taxi fare before taking a ride. Customer can pay online thanks to Woocommerce plugin. We have several years of expertise in developing auto dispatching taxi system with mobile and web interface. The purpose of this plugin…