Tag: Fluent
Fluent – Content Focus Tumblr Theme (Blog)
“Fluent” tumblr theme is perfect for all types of content. Theme Features All post types Text Photo Photoset – Slider Chat Link Quote Audio Video Infinite Scrolling Author Sidebar Mobile-first Responsive Web Design Twitter Feed dribbble Feed Instagram Feed Flickr Feed Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Share buttons Submissions & Ask Ready Retina-ready Disqus Comments Integration…
Fluent Docs (WordPress)
Easy documentation generation for WordPress plugins & themes Fluent Docs Fluent Docs is a documentation generation plugin for WordPress. No longer do you need to generate and compile documentation in web and print form for your themes & plugins. Create your documentation using the WordPress custom post type editor, then let the plugin serve web…
Fluent Demo (WordPress)
WordPress Multisite Demo requests, previews and creation Fluent Demo is a plugin which enables WordPress multisite to request and create transient demonstration areas for potential purchasers of themes and plugins. Fluent Demo makes duplicating a demonstration blog as easy as adding a post in the admin, or requesting a demo via the front end request…
Fluent Framework (WordPress)
WordPress Options Pages, Meta Boxes, Options Panels, User Meta Panels, Taxonomy Meta Panels with a difference. Standardized Definition and Access of Data The WordPress Fluent Framework provides standardized definitions, and access to options and additional meta information for any data types. The Framework has been designed to be simple and feature rich. We know there…