Tag: Global

  • Entro WordPress Coming Soon per post/page or global (Utilities)

    Entro WordPress Coming Soon per post/page or global is a plugin which provides coming soon and/or under construction functionality. Administrator should choose from 6 different templated for global or 3 templates for page/post. Each tempalte has a functiollity to integrate with Mailchimp, set timer, set social links add info box and set title. All templates…

  • WooCommerce Universal Advanced Global Shipping (Shipping)

    The most universal advanced combination USPS / UPS WooCommerce Shipping Plugin With WooCommerce Universal Global Shipping have the ability to finally drop ship the right way. We have built in extensive warehouse features for multiple warehouse. Do you control the sizes of your own boxes? Build your complete product line box sizes. Don’t use a…

  • Webful Global Business Email Template (Email Templates)

    Webful Global business email template is responsive email template which contains 5 PSD’s and each PSD’s have 3 color options. This email template contains 15 HTML Templates which are ready to use in your emails. Tested In main email services as well. For any type of help or support please send comment or message. Features:…