Tag: Google

  • WordPress Google Docs (WordPress)

    WordPress Google Docs is a simple plugin which allows you to import Google Docs documents as WordPress pages or posts. Imported content is HTML formatted with option to remove Google generated inline style from imported HTML. To use WordPress Google Docs you must first configure Google API OAuth client (instructions on OAuth client configuration are…

  • Creative Google Maps for Visual Composer (Add-ons)

    Creative Google Maps is a Visual Composer Add-on from the creators of Colors Creative WordPress theme that will help You create the best looking Maps on the planet! Main features overview Simple to use plugin with Simplified controls Fast to setup Thousands of styles supported Responsive Maps Customizable marker information in WordPress text editor Location…

  • Contact Form 7 – Google Excel Sheets Extension (Forums)

    Contact Form Sheets allows you to integrate your contact form with Google Sheets. It helps you automate spreadsheets for your advantage. Create forms and capture results instantly in your spreadsheets. Populate your projects faster. Please note that this plugin uses Sheetsu (sheetsu.com) API in order to connect to your Google Sheets. CodeCanyon new WordPress items

  • Easy Google Places Reviews (Widgets)

    Easily display Google Places Reviews on your WordPress website using a powerful and intuitive widget. Great for restaurants, retail stores, franchisees, real estate firms, hotels and hospitality, and nearly any business with a website and reviews on Google. This plugin allows you to display Google reviews on your WordPress website. Why is this important? Positive…

  • QT Places: Interactive Responsive Google Maps WordPress Plugin (Media)

    QT Places: Plugin Description QT Places is an elegant and versatile WordPress plugin to display custom Google maps. After the installation, a new post type called “Places” will appear in your WordPress menu, and you can immediately start adding new places. Places categories Places have their own taxonomy, called “Place Category”. With this feature, you…

  • Mapwiz – Build your Google Map with Ease (WordPress)

    App Feartures: Features of Map Wiz Plugin: Map Styles Features: Customize Styler as per your required need. Ability to customize styler by changing Feature Type and Element Type. Ability to enable/disable Color, Weight, Hue, Saturation, Lightness and Gamma features of styler. Ability to change Color, Weight, Hue, Saturation, Lightness and Gamma features of styler. It…

  • Web 2.0 Google Maps plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Web 2.0 Google Maps plugin to build custom Google Maps with high quality markers and additional instruments. Frontend submission form allows users to submit markers and listings from frontend of WordPress site. Search form filters markers and listings by categories, locations and content fields. Draw Area functionality is the most perfect tool to search needed…

  • Current Post on Google Maps (Add-ons)

    Current Post Maps is extension of wp google map pro which is essential to use this plugin. You can download it from here – http://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-google-maps-plugin-for-wordpress/5211638. You can highlight current post displaying on the maps in various way. You can change map’s center point to current post location. You can apply bounce animation to highlight current…

  • Video Ads Player with Google IMA, VAST/VPAID (Media)

    This is a premium wordpress plugin that fully supports Tags from:(1) Google Adsense for Video with Google Interactive Media Ads (IMA), including Preroll, Postroll, Banner and Text; (2) Video Ad Networks, including Double Click Publishers with VAST 2.0/3.0 and VPAID Rich Media Interactive Tags; (3) Add Any HTML Overlay over your video, including buy buttons,…

  • Viavi Google Analytics Dashboard (Utilities)

    Viavi Google Analytics for WordPress plugin enables you to track your site using the latest Google Analytics tracking code and allows you to view key Google Analytics reports in your WordPress install. Features Real-time number of visitors Real-time traffic sources details Sessions, organic searches, page views, bounce rate analytics reports User access control over analytics…