Tag: Hexagone
Hexagone PSD template (Corporate)
HEXAGONE is a minimalistic and elegant PSD template. This is a flexible and multipurpose, modern and sleek template, suited for any situations. Template files are built to be 1170px wide. File Content 2 Psd files Font link Full Features List One Page Layout Photoshop Templates 1600 * +6000 px Full Wight Design Grid System Layout…
Hexagone | Mobile Retina HTML5 & CSS3 with WebApp (Mobile)
Hexagone is a multi-purpose creative template that can be used for anything from big businesses to coffee shops to photographers to bands! Creative and powered by our HTML and CSS Epsilon Framework it’s packed with desktop features, coded using CSS3, loaded instantly! Drag to open the navigation Facebook, GMail, Path style navigation, simply touch the…