Tag: Hosted

  • Self Hosted Short URLs – Add-on for Easy Social Share Buttons (Add-ons)

    Self-Hosted Short URLs add-on for Easy Social Share Buttons generates short addresses by your own server. In this way we avoid all short URL services that requires tones of keys and APIs and works slow with a lot of limitations. Using Self-hosted Short URL your short addresses will be associated with your domain/domains, which has really much advantages…

  • PayPal Pro Hosted Solution for WooCommerce (WooCommerce)

    Website Payments Pro Hosted Solutions offers merchants a way to securely accept credit and debit card or PayPal payments without capturing or storing card information on their website. Payment information is collected by PayPal using an inline frame. How it works: Customers shop as usual on the merchant’s website and pay using either a credit…

  • VideoPress – A Self Hosted Video Streaming Theme (Blog / Magazine)

    Welcome to VideoPress a self hosted video streaming wordpress theme. VideoPress is a simple theme were you can upload you own videos and make it available for streaming online. Become the next youtube website and build your website using videopress, its easy to use just a few clicks to create videos. Overview It also supports…