Tag: Hotspot
Visual Composer Add-on Image Hotspot with Tooltip (Add-ons)
Note: you can get this extension from Visual Composer Extensions All In One soon. You do not have to purchase again if you purchased the All In One package before. And it’s recommended to purchase the All In One package which will contain other extension in the future update: Help you to add hotspot icon…
Woo Product Viewer with Hotspot (WooCommerce)
Key features -Admin editor with drag and drop -Unlimited frames and hotspots -Auto rotates frames -Auto slides and opens hotspot content -Hotspot thumbnail -Any kind of hotspot content -8 positions of hotspot content -9 positions of hotspot anchor -Responsive -Works on mobile -And more… CodeCanyon new WordPress items
Power Image Hotspot Galleries (Media)
Now the image mapping tool has become more powerful and offers unlimited possibilities. First time ever image mapping with galleries. Embedded Features Boost your sales with link redirection on single image, intuitive Drag and Drop Interface, lazy load for Quicker Slider Start, a powerful administration with live preview & easy management. The sleek look, clean…