Tag: Inline

  • Advance WooCommerce Inline Product Edit (Products)

    Advance WooCommerce Inline Product Edit is a powerful & a user-friendly plugin that supports store admin with single page interface for quick & easy product management. It allows store admin to add new products, quickly edit product data on a single page, opt for more column options in product listings, bulk product editing at the…

  • WP Inline Tweet (Utilities)

    This plugin allows you to make phrases or sections of text within a post sharable through Twitter. 1. All you have to do is wrap the text you want to be sharable in a shortcode: [iShare]the text…[/iShare] 2. The text will appear to the reader with one of the a twitter icons appended to it.…

  • Barley – Inline Editing Plugin for WordPress (WordPress)

    The Barley for WordPress plugin brings the easy to use inline content editing experience of Barley to any WordPress-powered site. Create and edit blog posts, pages, add images and videos from YouTube, edit tags, categories, featured images and more. Also, view and edit drafts from the front-end of your site. See the video or use…