Tag: JQuery

  • backDetect : jQuery Plugin to detect Click on Back Button

    jQuery backDetect is a jQuery plugin that is used to determine when a user clicks the back button and fire a callback function. Read More Demo Download Download backDetect : jQuery Plugin to detect Click on Back Button from Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Long Shadow jQuery Plugin

    Easy Text-Shadow with Long Shadow jQuery Plugin. Read More Demo Download The post Long Shadow jQuery Plugin appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • formBuilder : jQuery Drag Drop Form Builder

    A jQuery plugin for drag and drop form creation.To start building forms with this plugin call formBuilder() on the textarea you would like to make your editor. FormBuilder takes a number of options and is translatable. Read More Demo Download The post formBuilder : jQuery Drag Drop Form Builder appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock…

  • jQuery Hover3d : 3d Hover Effect

    jQuery Hover3d is a simple hover script for creating 3d hover effect.The idea is transforming the element into 3d space using CSS3 transform, playing with translateZ for spacing the elements, and detecting mouse movement to change the transform value Tags: Image Hover Effect Read More Demo Download The post jQuery Hover3d : 3d Hover Effect…

  • Web Data Extractor with jQuery & JSON

    Extracting and parsing structured data with jQuery Selector, XPath or JsonPath from common web format like HTML, XML and JSON. Read More Demo Download The post Web Data Extractor with jQuery & JSON appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Gravity Forms – jQuery fullCalendar (Forms)

    Welcome to the Gravity Forms – FullCalendar Plugin Display your Gravifty-Forms Entries with the famous jQuery fullCalendar plugin. (you need a licensed copy of the Gravity-Forms plugin) (to use the front-end-edit feature you need a licensed copy of the Gravity Forms – List & Edit plugin) Features Easy Setup at the default Gravity-Forms Form-Settings Easy…

  • Gravity-Forms jQuery Datatable (Forms)

    Welcome to the Gravity Forms – DataTables Plugin Display your Gravifty-Forms Entries with the famous jQuery Datatables Plugin. Features Easy Setup at the default Gravity-Forms Form-Settings Assign your Form-Fields directly to the DataTable Define the position of your Form-Fields at the DataTable Integrated Paging, Sorting and Searching functions Use of the Gravity-Forms API Display the…

  • Reveal-it.js : jQuery Animated fade-in Text effect

    Reveal-it.js is a jQuery plugin that gradually reveals text from left to right to produce a fade-in effect. Tags: Scrolling Effects Read More Demo Download The post Reveal-it.js : jQuery Animated fade-in Text effect appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • jQuery Smooth Parallax Scroll

    Smooth parallax animations on vertical page scrolling using requestAnimationFrame and CSS3 3D transitions. Tags: Parallax Read More Demo Download The post jQuery Smooth Parallax Scroll appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • Makefixed.js : jQuery Fixed Element during Scroll

    MakeFixed.js is a quick way to dynamically set up elements to be fixed during scroll. Lightweight! Less than 2.4KB; Allow callback functions; jQuery required. Tags: Fixed Header, Scrolling Effects Read More Demo Download The post Makefixed.js : jQuery Fixed Element during Scroll appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace