Tag: Mokka

  • Mokka – Minimal & Elegant WordPress Blog (Blog / Magazine)

    Mokka is a responsive, minimalist, flexible and modern WordPress Blog. From a clean white color scheme (with a accent color of choice) & multiple page layouts which all remain sophisticated and simple. Everything definitely brings a certain elegance. Features: Mega Menu You can arrange the Mega Drop Down menu with post and links Responsive Layout:…

  • Mokka – A Minimalistic Theme with Elegant (Miscellaneous)

    Mokka is the perfect solution to start your online blog with its unique and elegant design. The package include the following pages: mokka [homepage] v1.psd (Double sidebar on right) mokka [homepage] v2.psd (Double sidebar on left and right) mokka [homepage] v3.psd (Full width blog) mokka [homepage] v4.psd (One sidebar) mokka [homepage] v5.psd (Masonry Layout) mokka…