Tag: Places

  • Easy Google Places Reviews (Widgets)

    Easily display Google Places Reviews on your WordPress website using a powerful and intuitive widget. Great for restaurants, retail stores, franchisees, real estate firms, hotels and hospitality, and nearly any business with a website and reviews on Google. This plugin allows you to display Google reviews on your WordPress website. Why is this important? Positive…

  • QT Places: Interactive Responsive Google Maps WordPress Plugin (Media)

    QT Places: Plugin Description QT Places is an elegant and versatile WordPress plugin to display custom Google maps. After the installation, a new post type called “Places” will appear in your WordPress menu, and you can immediately start adding new places. Places categories Places have their own taxonomy, called “Place Category”. With this feature, you…

  • Nearby Places WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Nearby Places is an extension of Progress Map WordPress plugin. The “Nearby Places” plugin allows you to display various places – also known as “Points of Interest” – nearby a location/post on the map. The plugin was designed to be used with the posts/locations added from “Progress Map”. It also provides a powerful search form…

  • Real Places – HTML5 Template for Real Estate (Miscellaneous)

    Real Places is a premium HTML5 template for Real Estate websites. It has a purpose oriented design and It offers design variations with flexibility and customizability to fulfill various requirements. This template comes loaded with tons of useful features related to Real Estate and you can learn about those features through live preview and details…

  • Google Places Walker Maps (Media)

    Innovative and elegant plugin to view places near specific location (restourant, park, real estate agencies, gym, stores etc…) and calculate/show route with distance and walking time to near location with many configuration options on the real estate property preview page. This plugin was very popular on my Real estate agency portal script, so I decided…