Tag: Playlist
HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist for WordPress (Media)
“HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist – WordPress Plugin” is a powerful responsive HTML5 audio player plugin which is used to create, edit and manage playlists with audio files. “HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist” plugin allows you to organize and plays your audio files with creating playlist and also you can add download URL with share…
WordPress Clean HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist (Media)
Features Simple [Shortcode] Embedding Anywhere In WordPress Responsive layout Ready for Retina Displays Direct Link to file download in Playlist Easy to get started, deploy in minutes Highly customizable using HTML and CSS Clean code + LESS Playlists support Multiple instances Based on jPlayer (HTML5 & Flash fallback) Autoplay Option Platforms and Browsers Windows: Firefox,…
WordPress Clean HTML5 Video Player with Playlist (Media)
Features Simple [Shortcode] Embedding Anywhere In WordPress Responsive layout Ready for Retina Displays Direct Link to file download in Playlist Easy to get started, deploy in minutes Highly customizable using HTML and CSS Clean code + LESS Playlists support Multiple instances Based on jPlayer (HTML5 & Flash fallback) Autoplay Option Platforms and Browsers Windows: Firefox,…
Video Gallery Live Playlist WordPress plugin (Media)
Options: Multiple predefiend layouts (horizontal / vertical playlist, 100% layouts, button / scroll navigation, no playlist (use as single video player) Multiple instances in same page supported Only mp4 video format required for all browsers and devices HTML5 video support with flash fallback Load videos from folder of mp4 files YouTube Data API (v3) Single…
WordPress Responsive Youtube Playlist Video Player (Media)
A responsive video player to play YouTube playlists. You can enter a YouTube playlist id, channel id or a single video id as playlist source. The player is fully responsive and will resize intelligently, it also runs smoothly on mobile devices. The player has a custom designed interface, instead of YouTube’s default interface. You can…
Focus Audio Player With Playlist WP Plugin (Media)
Focus player is a jquery music player plugin built off the open source jplayer multimedia plugin. The GUI resembles the unique look , Focus player allows you to organize and play your mp3 files and Creating a playlist and also you can add buy url /itunes url/amazone url /download url . Just 2 minute need…
Applause Ultimate Playlist Manager WP Plugin (Media)
Applause Ultimate Playlist Manager WP Plugin give you freedom to create unlimited playlist for your site ,It’s easy to install and manage just 2 minute needs,you can add 20+ tracks and add tracks cover image .Moreover it’s responsive and working well with all kind of smartphone and tables also .if you want to translate it…