Tag: Restful
WPRM – WP RESTful APIs Manager (Utilities)
About WPRM or WP RESTful APIs Manager plugin is multi-purpose and can be generally used. It enables you to create, manage RESTful APIs data starting from establishing a connection to creating templates and positioning the results. Key Features You can integrate most common APIs without researching for any custom integration. Creating a connection with any…
RESTful .NET: Build and Consume RESTful Web Services with .NET 3.5
RESTful .NET: Build and Consume RESTful Web Services with .NET 3.5 ISBN13: 9780596519209 Condition: New Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Restful .Net is the first book that teaches Windows developers to build…
Restful Web Services Reviews
Restful Web Services “Every developer working with the Web needs to read this book.” — David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of the Rails framework “RESTful Web Services finally provides a practical roadmap for constructing services that embrace the Web, instead of trying to route around it.” — Adam Trachtenberg, PHP author and EBay Web Services Evangelist…