Tag: statistics
Site Visitor Statistics for WordPress (Add-ons)
The product’s functionality is already quite impressive: Need support? Support for all our products is conducted through our support forum, where you can submit your product related questions, bug-findings, etc. Product Description: -mySTAT has unique features for statistics, analytics, SEO optimization and that is why anyone who has their own website should have it. In…
FiFA WorldCup 2014 Statistics – WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)
Display FIFA WorldCup Match Updates right from your WordPress Site. Use our floating bar to engage your visitors by providing them updated match information. Also, use Shortcodes to display – Matches, Groups, Specific Match and Live matches Information anywhere. You won’t have to update any match data yourself, as all information are served from our…
Google Short URL Statistics (Utilities)
This plugin will automatically generate Goo.gl (Google Short URL) for your posts, custom posts, pages etc. You can track this information in your WP backend. Usage Upload the plugin and activate it. Once activated there will be a settings page under “Google Short URLs” > “Google Short URL Settings”. Here you can choose of wich…
Web Design Confidential: Drawing on survey statistics from over 5,400 web designers from around the world, and the insights and experiences of several … design industry in Web Design Confidential.
Web Design Confidential: Drawing on survey statistics from over 5,400 web designers from around the world, and the insights and experiences of several … design industry in Web Design Confidential. Drawing on survey statistics from over 5,400 web designers from around the world, and the insights and experiences of several design veterans, Amanda Hackwith unlocks…