Tag: survey

  • Advance WordPress Survey (Utilities)

    Advance WordPress Survey is a robust yet customizable & flexible WordPress plugin that facilitates the creation of multiple surveys with a simple shortcode for a WordPress based website. It features a user-friendly form builder that supports adding multiple questions in a single survey by means of different form elements like text input, email, textarea, number,…

  • MegaPoll: WordPress Poll and Survey Builder Plugin (Forms)

    MegaPoll is a premium WordPress plugin by which you can easily create and manage polls or surveys. It allows you to create fully responsive polls or surveys with Bootstrap 3. Fully customizable and translation ready. List of Features Easy to install Fully responsive. Build in seconds. 10+ Question Types 650+ google fonts. Interactive Questions Easy…

  • Feedback Survey WordPress Plugin (Forms)

    Create engaging, responsive surveys in minutes and view your results graphically Full Features List Survey Questions Types Positive/Negative Single Choice Multiple Choice Rating Email Text Comment Confirmation Generate Sample Survey Questions Prepend Survey to Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types Add Survey Using a Shortcode Generator Custom Background Image or Color Se Image Background Overlay Content…

  • Wp Popup Survey (Forms)

    This is a WordPress plugin that enables you to collect information from visitors using popup surveys when any page is accessed. POPUP SURVEY FEATURES Easy to setup and manage Customizable look to match your site. Responses and statistics can be exported. 5 Types of survey questions to meet your need. GETTING STARTED After purchase, download…

  • Reputation Management Survey WordPress Plugin (Forms)

    How to set it up. 1. Install Plugin 2. Setup Survey, Good Feedback, and Bad Feedback Pages 3. Open RepMan Setup from left hand column of dashboard 4. Type in Survey Questions 5. Fill in the general information 6. Hit the save button at bottom of page. 7. Setup up your pre-configured emails (optional) 8.…

  • ANNOVA – Survey wizard (Specialty Pages)

    HTML5/CSS3 survey wizard with progress bar that send the result to your email. It’s responsive, can be used of other types of forms like registration process, you can add how many steps you need. It comes with a standalone version and a full version with more features. Main features Valid and clean HTML5/CSS3 code Bootstrap…

  • Web Design Confidential: Drawing on survey statistics from over 5,400 web designers from around the world, and the insights and experiences of several … design industry in Web Design Confidential.

    Web Design Confidential: Drawing on survey statistics from over 5,400 web designers from around the world, and the insights and experiences of several … design industry in Web Design Confidential. Drawing on survey statistics from over 5,400 web designers from around the world, and the insights and experiences of several design veterans, Amanda Hackwith unlocks…