Tag: Tabs
Elegant Tabs for Cornerstone (Add-ons)
This plugin is an addon for Visual Composer WordPress plugin. It works great with the WordPress 4.0 and Cornerstone 1.2 and above. To get Cornerstone plugin, click here. It lets you add any shortcode in multiple tabs so that users get to choose the data they want to see. We have also added numerous possibilities…
Keva Tabs | WordPress Plugin (Accordions)
Keva Tabs is a responsive horizontal / vertical tabs and accordion. Features: Responsive Auto transformation Horizontal Tabs Vertical Tabs Accordion Fixed/Auto Height Customization Shortcode Supports Visual Builder External Links Custom buttons/links for opening the tabs Translation Ready Russian Translation Already Included How to use custom buttons: Add your custom id in “css id” field: cbtn1…
Wheelizate Tabs for WordPress (Interface Elements)
Wheelizate Tabs is an alternative solution for tabbed navigation. It uses a wheel instead of horizontal or vertical buttons. This package contains a TinyMCE plugin to easily add your tab shortcodes. The HTML5/JavaScript/jQuery plugin is available here The HTML5/JavaScript/jQuery plugin is available here Installation and customization details are in documentation Credits Demo Images on Slider:…
ATT – Accordion, Tabs and Testimonial for WordPress (WordPress)
ATT is a wordpress plugin for generating Accordion or FAQ, Tabs, Testimonial on the fly. It has flexible customizing and styling options. You can generate your accordion or faq, tabs, testimonial easy and flexible way by using this plugin. Plugin Features Animated Accordion Animated Tabs Animated Testimonial ShortCode Unlimited Colors Powerful and Flexible Styling and…
Smart Tabs – Drag & Drop Tab Shortcode Builder (Accordions)
Smart Tab is an awesome shortcode builder, that allow you to preset you contents in a tabbed style. The plugin easy to customize and easy to generate unlimited tab sets anywhere in WordPress page and post. Smart Tab is comes with lot more backend and front-end opportunity. you can easily short you item, switch tab…
Tabsy | WooCommerce Smart Responsive Tabs Add-on (Add-ons)
Tabsy is a free smart responsive wordpress tabs plugin that is designed to fit on every container width beautifully. Being able to insert wordpress contents, images and shortcodes are one of the best handy features you can utilize by the use of this amazing plugin. Tabsy + WooCommerce Turn the default WooCommerce tabs to smart…
Tabsy | WordPress Smart Responsive Tabs for VC (Add-ons)
Tabsy is a free smart responsive wordpress tabs plugin that is designed to fit on every container width beautifully. Being able to insert wordpress contents, images and shortcodes are one of the best handy features you can utilize by the use of this amazing plugin. You can use tabsy anywhere you want. Tabsy + Visual…
Woocommerce Tabs Pro: Extra Tabs for Product Page (WooCommerce)
Live Demo Woo-commerce Woo Tabs Pro plugin Live Demo : Click here user name:demo password:demo Key Features Clean Design Responsive Layout WPML Plugin Support 11 different tab types Products : It is a great idea to offer another products when a customer is visiting a product. Choose products for different use.(Such as: Wear With, Use…