Tag: Upgrade
WooCommerce Role Upgrade (WooCommerce)
WooCommerce Role Upgrade An extension for WooCommerce, which enables you to create rules, which if met by the user, will upgrade there WordPress role to whichever role is set in the rule. Features Quick and easy installation Easily upgrade user Roles based on amount spent or total orders Documentation http://www.codeden.co.uk/documentation/woocommerce-role-upgrade/ Support http://support.codeden.co.uk Changelog v1.0 -…
Xtreme Gallery | Upgrade WordPress Gallery (Galleries)
What is Xtreme Gallery? Xtreme Gallery is a plugin which will allow you to create awesome slider substituting the default wordpress gallery. You are creating the gallery like you normally would, but the difference is in the possible options and the result look. You can select multiple and different effects for the desktop and for…