Altair is a professional HTML5/CSS3 Material Design template based on UIkit Framework and jQuery Library. This template has been built with Bower (package manager), Gulp (streaming build tool) and Handlebars.js (templating system).
AngularJS version
AngularJS version is almost ready, here is a link to dev version
If you find any bug or issue please let me know. I’ll fix it before update.
For full changelog scroll to the bottom of the page.
Features List
- Material Design
- Based on UIkit
- Easily customizable (less files)
- Responsive layout
- High Resolution
- Custom pages: Invoices, User Profile, User Edit, Mailbox and more
- Custom components
- Accordions
- Dropdowns
- Dynamic Grid
- Lightbox/Modal
- Nestable
- Sortable
- Notifications
- Preloaders
- Tabs
- Integrated KendoUI components
- Integrated charting libraries: c3.js and MetricsGraphics.js
- Integrated plugins: Datatbles, Full Calendar, Maplace (Google Maps), Mapael (Vector Maps) and more
- Integrated form components:
- Sliders
- Advanced select
- Datepicker
- Timepicker
- Masked inputs
- Html Editor
- File uploader
Your Voice
I’m open to any suggestions regarding Altair Material Design Premium Template, if you have an idea/suggestion/request please let me know. I’ll try to add it to Altair. Thanks.
// v1.3.0 (18.08.2015) [new] WYSIWYG Editor (forms_wysiwyg.html) [new] Tablesorter plugin (plugins_tablesorter.html) [new] Sortable plugin Dragula.js (components_sortable.html,page_scrum_board.html) [new] Tables Examples (components_tables_examples.html) [new] Tabable secondary sidebar (index.html) [updated] Changed kendoUI concentated js name (kendoui_custom.js;kendoui_custom.min.js) [updated] Added example with multiline tolltip (components_tooltips.html) [updated] chartist (0.9.4) [updated] datatables (1.10.8) [updated] fullcalendar (2.4.0) [updated] kendo-ui-core (2015.2.805+SP1) [updated] marked (0.3.5) [updated] parsleyjs (2.1.3) [updated] weather-icons (2.0.1) [bug] Fixed hierarhical animation when there is only one element [bug] Fixed nestable handle component [bug] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js) // v1.2.0 (08.08.2015) [new] code editor with file editing (php) (page_code_editor.html) [new] chartist chart (plugins_charts.html) [new] style switcher with predefined themes [new] top menu [new] mini sidebar [new] material design colors (components_colors.html) [new] typography example page (components_typography.php) [updated] main sidebar visual changes (material design) [updated] main scrollable area changed from #page_content to html (fixed some issues with mobile devices and plugins) [bug] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js) // v1.1.0 (28.07.2015) [new] chat page (page_chat.html) [new] scrum board page (page_scrum_board.html) [new] todo page (page_todo.html) [new] form wizard (forms_wizard.html) [new] register form (login.html) [new] 'swipe to open' gesture added (main sidebar, touch devices, 2 fingers, left edge) [bug] fixed issue with custom scrollbars on mac os x [firefox] [bug] fixed focus error/success state for text inputs (focus) (forms_validation.html) [bug] added missing kendoUI images (kendoui_*.html) [new] added alert info style (components_common.html) [updated] moment (2.10.6) [updated] kendo-ui-core (2015.2.727) [updated] jquery.scrollbar (0.2.8) [updated] jquery.dotdotdot (1.7.4) [updated] ionrangeslider (2.0.12) [updated] clndr (1.2.15) [updated] FAB button animation when showing options (components_buttons.html) [updated] gulp tasks (cleanup and minor changes) [updateed] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js) // v1.0.0 (24.07.2015) Initial Release
- UIkit Framework –
- jQuery –
- jQuery Plugins – listed here
- Google Fonts (Roboto,Source Code Pro) –
- Google Material Design Icons –
- Flags Icons –
- Images:
- * Avatars:
- * Ecommerce images (Samsung Galaxy S6):
Other Info
Avatars and Ecommerce images are not included in Altair package