Aresivel – A Responsive Ghost Blog Theme (Ghost Themes)

WordPress version

Aresivel is a clean, elegant, simple Theme For Ghost. This theme allows you display your content in 5 different layout. These styles include: Grid, Grid 2 ( 1st large then Grid ), List, List 2 (1st large then list), Standard, it effortless to get a unique looking online space.


  • Ghost 0.6.x Compatible
  • Sidebar Widgets
  • Footer Widgets
  • Full Responsive
  • 5 Colors Option
  • Social Networks
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, IE10, IE11
  • 3 Comment System Support: Disqus, Google Plus, Facebook
  • Full Documentation
  • And more…

Source & Credits

ThemeForest new Blogging items


