Athlete – Fluid Responsive Magento Theme (Magento)

Athlete is Fully Customizable, Fluid Magento Theme with Responsive & Retina Ready Design. This theme is perfect for any type of store and comes with lots of awesome features, such as: fluid width, color swatches, custom grid modes, banner widgets, revolution slider, quick install package and etc. Simply check features list below.

Compatibility – Magento Community Edition,,,,,,

Current version is 1.4.1 – 23 June, 2014 – See details at the bottom of the page.

If you like our theme, please, share your love with us and rate it :)

athlete magento themeathlete magento theme
athlete magento theme

athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme athlete magento theme

athlete magento themeathlete magento theme

Features overview

Fully Customizable Design

  • Unlimited Colors (200+ Color Settings) gives you control over each pixel of your website
  • White & Black version of icons & elements, to fit any color options!

Advanced Font Options

  • Over 500 google fonts
  • Separate font settings for menu, price, buttons, banners, header titles, footer titles, sidebar titles, slideshow, product listing title & price, product page title & price.
  • Custom font size for navigation menu, footer and sidebar titles
  • Custom color settings for each font

Optimization & Developers Information

  • Separate design package
  • Custom sub-themes
  • Option to restore default settings and cms pages / blocks
  • Optimized, well-structured and commented CSS
  • Strictly Magento compatible – no core files changed, 100% upgradeable


  • Unique “Athlete” slider
  • Revolution slider
  • Content Banner Slider
  • Sidebar Banner Slider
  • Product slider – slider with customizable title size and amount of products shown ( featured products, new products, sale products )
  • Brand slider

Mega Menu

  • Home page link
  • Enable/disable sidebar categories
  • 2 menu styles – wide mega menu or classic drop-down
  • 3 Custom content blocks – top bottom, right
  • Add any content (images, text, HTML) inside drop-down menus
  • Control block proportions – adjust columns width inside of drop-down menus
  • Mobile menu – on mobile devices the menu turns into a collapsible accordion.
  • Custom links – display custom links in the main menu bar and use it as a menu for CMS pages (categories can be completely removed from the menu, if needed)
  • Fully customizable colors

Header & Navigation

  • Customizable logo widht & height
  • Two options for search field: show on click and always visible.
  • Additional info custom block in header.
  • Menu position: below logo or to the right of the logo.
  • Customizable menu font size.
  • Show/hide top links
  • Fully customizable colors

Widgetized Banner System

  • Unlimited banners – you can add as many banners as you want in each banner area
  • Various Banner areas – top, header, content, footer, bottom etc.
  • 4 Types of banners – 1 column text, 2 column text, image, category banner or custom content.
  • Page & Category banners display control – You can set banner for specific pages or categories.

Social Links Widget

  • You can insert social icons in static cms block in just a couple of clicks
  • Set to open in a new window
  • Black or white icons – to fit any colors.

Color Swatches

  • Hide/show drop down for options
  • Labels for options
  • Reload product image for colors
  • Custom images


Our theme comes with support of free blog extension by aheadWorks.
Check previews here: dark – yellow, light – red, light – cappuccino

CMS Block

  • One-click import – import CMS blocks and pages with sample content from the demo
  • 30+ CMS blocks – display custom content in almost every part of the store. Using static blocks you can insert your content into various pages and website area, such as: shopping cart, checkout, header, footer, product page, CMS pages etc.
  • Footer layouts – our theme comes with various layouts for footer (predefined static blocks), but you can also make yours. You can add newsletter block, social icons, links, company info or any other custom content to footer area.

Layouts & Pages

  • Fully Customizable Home page – you can make any layout and content.
  • 5 predefined footer block layouts. But you can make yours!
  • Various product page layouts
  • Custom Login page design
  • Contacts page with google map

Mobile Devices

  • Responsive & retina ready
  • Two header layouts for mobile view (Full & Slim)
  • Mobile menu – on mobile devices the menu turns into a collapsible accordion
  • iPhone/iPad favicons


  • Categories – collapsible
  • Twitter sidebar block
  • Banner slider sidebar block
  • Newsletter sidebar block

Product Page

  • Customizable product page with improved customer reviews layout
  • Customizable product image size
  • Option to display product SKU
  • 3 types of product zoom – default magento zoom, cloudzoom and lightbox
  • Custom product page tab – tabs smoothly turns into accordion on narrow screens
  • Social bookmarks on product page
  • Related products slider and upsell products slider
  • 3 Layouts – sidebar, full width etc
  • Switch to prev / next product
  • Image thumbnail slider – enable automatic scrolling, control speed

Category View

  • Customizable product labels ( colors, texts )
  • Customizable product grid – 3,4,5 products per row
  • Customizable grid view ( show /hide product name, rating, price, action buttons )
  • Alternative images – show alternative product images on hover (in category view and in product sliders)
  • Custom image size – you can set custom image size for product images
  • Sidebar category menu – configure additional menu
  • Quick view
  • Ajax add to cart, compare, wishlist

Customizable Grid

  • Our theme comes with 3,4,5 grid modes for pages with sidebar
  • and 4,5,6 for full width pages.

Customizable Grid Look

  • You can adjust the look of product in grid view
  • show/hide
  • name
  • price
  • show/hide on hover:
  • rating
  • action buttons


  • Powerful admin panel
  • Easy to customize
  • All updates are free of charge
  • Multistore ready – All options are store-view independent
  • One click sample data install
  • Browser Compatibility (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
  • Responsive & Retina ready
  • Multi-language ready – this theme can work with any language installed in your Magento
  • PSD files included


  • To top scrolling button
  • Drop Down cart in header
  • Ability to upload custom logo image
  • Language switcher as select box and flags bar
  • Sample Typography page
  • “New” and “Sale” labels

Custom CSS Styles

This feature allows you to make changes to theme appearance without editing core theme files.

athlete magento theme

Dear Customers!

Help for all our themes is conducted through the help forum. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at

Presale questions, can be also asked via our help forum in presale thread.

Work time: 10:00 – 18:00 GMT+1 Working days only (Mon – Fri)


Version 1.1 – March 19, 2014

  • Added: ajax cart, compare, wishlist
  • Added: Quickview
  • Fixed: minor css bugs
  • Fixed: retina bugs

Version 1.2 – March 25, 2014

  • Added: Quick Start Package

Version 1.3 – April 02, 2014

  • Added: support of aheadworks blog extension
  • Added: option to control main menu position – to the right of logo / under logo
  • Added: static block for header – displayed when main menu is under logo
  • Added: support of ColorSwatch in quick view popup
  • Fixed: ipad grid hover
  • Fixed: search field size
  • Fixed: twitter lib include error
  • Fixed: quick view button bug
  • Fixed: quick view popup carousel bug
  • Fixed: minor css fixes
  • Fixed: add titles to action buttons on grid
  • Fixed: ajax cart typo

Version 1.3.1 – April 04, 2014

  • Quick Start package: renamed admin account.

Version 1.4 – June 02, 2014

  • Added: option to enable/disable totop button
  • Added: option to enable/disable prev/next links
  • Added: option to change layout width
  • Added: fluid layout
  • Added: option to control listing image width
  • Added: option for logo padding
  • Added: option for sticky header
  • Added: support for 1.9
  • Updated: jquery lib updated to 1.11
  • Updated: Rss page
  • Updated: carousel script updated to owl carousel
  • Updated: default static blocks
  • Updated: quick start package upgraded to
  • Updated: documentation
  • Fixed: megamenu css
  • Fixed: blog in IE11
  • Fixed: blog read more button
  • Fixed: quick view css
  • Fixed: header search behavior
  • Fixed: static block in header
  • Fixed: paypal button on product page
  • Fixed: hide brands slider on login page
  • Fixed: slideshow – hide arrows when there is only one slide
  • Fixed: review block – add support for disable module output option
  • Fixed: prevent addthis from changing address bar
  • Fixed: merged js error
  • Fixed: sorter dropdown css
  • Fixed: product action links postion
  • Fixed: policy popup background bug
  • Fixed: clean up css code
  • Fixed: twitter include bug
  • Fixed: cart popup – condtions for checkout button

Version 1.4.1 – June 23, 2014

  • 5 New Awesome Theme Previews included in Quick Start (Sample Data)
  • Added: mostviewed products block
  • Added: bestsellers product block
  • Added: option to change header cart bg
  • Added: option for search button bg
  • Added: font-awesome
  • Added: default text to newsletter input
  • Added: options to control columns num in related and upsell products
  • Updated: code for footer blocks in blocks.xml
  • Updated: footer customer service static block
  • Updated: oauth classes to avoid conflict with oauth php extension
  • Updated: banner slider
  • Updated: listing toolbar icons
  • Updated: revolution slider Updated to latest version
  • Updated: revolution slider caption
  • Updated: sticky header animation
  • Updated: default revolution slides
  • Fixed: carousel bug in megamenu
  • Fixed: products grid
  • Fixed: css fixes
  • Fixed: cart popup – not showing correct image for configurable product
  • Fixed: cart popup in sticky header
  • Fixed: footer social icons bug
  • Fixed: megamenu in sticky header
  • Fixed: navigation background in responsive mode
  • Fixed: content banner letter spacing
  • Fixed: cloudzoom border color option

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