beAdmin – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template (Admin Templates)

Material Admin is a Google Material Design inspired powerful-lightweight fully responsive retina display compatible admin template based on latest Bootstrap 3.

Material Admin comes with both jQuery and AngularJs versions with Light/Dark skins

Unless like other admin templates, all the plugin used in Material Admin are completely customized to match the Material Design


  • Comes with Light and Dark Skins
  • Built with material design guidelines
  • jQuery and Angular variants
  • Material Design Colors, Icons and Animations
  • All pages are HTML5 validated and neatly coded.
  • Fully Responsive design, supported for desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets.
  • Bower Package Manager
  • Uses LESS and Grunt.
  • Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Complete User Interface elements and components.
  • Event calendar with 2 different presentations
  • Variety of form Components (Validation, Color picker, Date picker, Toggler, select, etc..)
  • Retina display ready Icons and Images
  • Media components for better Multimedia (HTML5 Video/Audio Players, Modern Lightbox, Image Carousel )
  • Sample pages included such as Profile, Messages, Listview, Login etc.


ThemeForest new Admin Templates items


