BeeTube Video WordPress Theme (Blog / Magazine)

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Video Training

BeeTube is a Professional Responsive Video WordPress Theme designed for video site, video blog video Portal. This theme will help you get a professional video site up and running quickly, it is inspired by the popular websites: YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. No modest to say that it is the most powerful video WordPress theme so far.


3 Ways to Embed Video Easily
  1. Video File: Embed Self Hosted Video only need paste your video file url
  2. Video URL: Auto-Embed videos by the url from popular video sites like YouTube, Vimeo and many others.
  3. Video Code: Embed video by raw video code(object, embed of iframe).
Theme built-in Like and views feature
  • LikeUser can like your post without login. No need for registration for post like.
  • ViewsTheme have built-in feature to auto count post views
Custom Widgets
  • Advertising: Advertisement widget will use to show ads.
  • Latest Tweets: Latest tweet widget using twitter api and will show latest tweets from your account.
  • Post Stats: Post stats widget will show on single video page only. It will show video views, comments and likes
  • Query Post: Query post widget to show posts in the sidebar.
  • Related Post: Related post widget will show single video related posts.
Credits and Copyrights

All videos used in BeeTube demo are copyrighted to their respective owners. These video from popular video site YouTube, Vimeo etc.
ThemeForest new Blog / Magazine items





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