- Power Admin
- Power Menu
- Responsive Design
- Responsvie menu: Sidebar
- Unlimited Colors
- 2 layout types (Full width, Boxed)
- Support Cpanel on front-end
- Premium Magento Extensions: VT Advanced, VT Ajax cart and VT Ajax Filter
- VT Ajax cart for quickly real-time Add-to-cart, Compare and Wishlist
- VT Ajax Filter for dynamic ajax-ing both Layer Navigation and Slider Price
- Other Extensions: VT Advanced Ajax Cart, VT SlideShow, VT ProductsConfig, VT Quick View, VT Megamenu, VT Ajax Filter, VT Ovansport Config.
- Sliders for Releated products and Upsell products
- Cloud Zoom, Thumbnail slider and Fancybox
- Support many styles for blog page (thank to AW Blog)
- Support Magento Community Edition 1.7.x, 1.8.x and 1.9.x
- Integrated: Twitter Bootstraps, Google Fonts, Font Awesome
- Using Html5, Css3, LessCss
- Cross-browser: IE 9+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+ and Chrome
- W3C XHTML Transitional Valid
- Quickstart including sample data, easy to install
- User Guide Documentation in html format
ThemeForest new Magento items